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Metro Kidz


South Sound Dream Center has Metro Kidz , which is an after school Bible Club offering games, stories, activities and mentorship to young children. Each week SSDC interacts with hundreds of at-risk elementary age children in Federal Way and Auburn through their Metro Kidz program.


volunteer needs: contact for more information

​(253) 288-1806

Mother 2 Many​


We are dedicated to follow the principles that Jesus laid out, to love each other. We want to always leave people better than we found them. We provide food, clothes and what ever we can to help them out. Although our focus is teenagers and children, we do not turn anyone away.


volunteer needs: volunteers for Mondays and Fridays at the Sumner Skate Park , street ministry, check our website out for more info

Communities In Schools

​We are a local affiliate of the nation's largest and leading dropout prevention organization. Our mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. We so this by providing math and reading tutoring, mentoring, enrichment activities, access to basic resources, community service opportunities through our March Gladness program, and coordinating a city-wide school supply drive.

volunteer needs:  mentors/ tutors

Jan Mauk
Executive Director
phone: (253) 435-6689



Big Brothers Big Sisters

We match youth (ages 7-16) with an adult Volunteer based on interests, personalities and location. Mentors hand out with  their match 2-4 times a month. You could play games, take  walks, wash your car, go shopping, or just about anything. Volunteers donating a little bit of time, can make a BIG difference in a youth life.

Volunteer needs: Mentors






Prairie Ridge Community Coalition


Prairie Ridge Community Coalition is working in partnership with the Prairie Ridge Homeowner's Association, we work to create partnerships for sustainable program, connect families with needed local resources, and organize community events and activities. Through these efforts we endeavor to mobilize Prairie Ridge residents to improve the community through environmental and policy change.

Our Goals:​

• Bridge the gap between Prairie Ridge residents with the surrounding schools, cities, organizations and resources.
• Identify and develop programs that serve the needs of the community, including programs that address violence, drug, tobacco, alcohol and crime prevention.
• With the help of partners, create meaningful and sustainable programs, projects and activities for the benefit of community members.
• Incorporating the Five Promises, develop programs and build our capacity to serve our community. The five fundamental resources that young people need to succeed: 
  1)caring adults (includes positive relationships with neighbors & positive role models)
  2)safe places (includes being physically and emotionally safe in community & constructive use of time)
  3) a healthy start (includes good nutrition and exercise as well as healthy habits and role models)
  4) effective education (includes developing marketable skills, education, and mentoring)
  5) opportunities to help others (includes volunteering, sense of responsibility, and caring behavior )


volunteer needs:  Summer Activities Program - We are looking for adults willing to invest a small amount of time to work with youth on a subject or project that they feel passionate about.  The more community we can bring in to engage with our youth, the more dynamic the program will be for our youth.  Our focus is healthy life choices, but we feel like any healthy engagement can help promote good choices.  If you work with youth, or are a teacher on summer break, you can use your skills and passion to make a difference in the lives of kids.  Every idea is worth exploring.  Let's talk about what you have to offer!


  Signup Genius is ready to schedule your volunteer time now

Summer meal volunteers can get on the calendar using Signup Genius (  

Other inquiries can be directed to:

Mary Beth Holmes, Prairie Ridge Community Coalition Coordinator

cell 206-200-4229 email

14205 215th Ave E Bonney Lake WA 98391


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